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Hagit Lipschitz

Summa Cum Laude in her MA studies on Educational Consultancy, BA in Education and Behavioral Science, Hagit Lipschitz is a senior guide in nonviolent communication certified by the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) and has over 20 years of experience in guidance. She trains guides and coaches in the field. Lipschitz is also an organizational consultant, personal and group coach, certified court mediator and trainer for aspiring court mediators. As a practitioner of meditation and activist in promoting inner and world peace, she specializes in leading discussion groups between religious and secular individuals,

Arabs and Jews, Palestinians and Israelis, and left- and right-wing people.

Lipschitz has some 30 years of experience in counseling people who are at turning points in their lives to help them transform conflict into opportunity. She is also editor and host of the “On Wolves and Giraffes” radio show.

Content and Training Methods:
Providing theoretical and practical tools for constructive communication in order to promote the relationship between an individual himself and others, to avoid conflicts and to treat things as they happen. Other methods are also presented.
* Tools for communication with people we find hard to communicate with
* Tools for reaching agreements and cooperation in challenging situations
* Empathy as a practical tool in any situation
* Establishing connection with a person that challenges me
* Self-expression and listening to others with no judgment
* Constructive relation to feelings, needs and requests
* Constructive relation to emotions such as anger, guilt, shame, envy, fear, depression
* Honesty in challenging situations; saying “No” and hearing “No”
* Dependency and independency
* Responsibility and choice
* Asking for and offering help
* Types of power
* Practical self-empathy
* Reconciliation, apology, and forgiveness
* Expressing gratitude toward myself and others

The workshop will include both theory and practical knowledge. This workshop is experiential and will include role-plays and simulations of typical situations in the life and work of the participants while also identifying conscious and unconscious patterns invoked in the participants in different situations and learning constructive methods of turning these into opportunities.


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